Theotokos "Eleusa" (Merciful)
by Tjaarke Maas
"The four types of icon"   by Vladislav Andrejev  
    If we believe that the icon simultaneously expresses the visible and the invisible worlds, we will see that there is more than one dimension to iconology. When examined with this belief in mind, an
(cont...)"The four types of icon"   by Vladislav Andrejev
2) The second type of “icon”—the “iconological icon”
    This is the Trinity’s Essential Image of Action contemplated in the Prosopon, the Image of the Revelation of God, the Uncreated World of divine
"Иконология и иконичность" Валерий Лепахин
Определить предмет иконологии как науки, кажется, нетрудно. Иконология — это учение об иконе, о церковном образе. Однако, внутри этого учения можно выделить несколько тесно взаимосвязанных
(cont...)"Иконология и иконичность" Валерий Лепахин
Присоединяя к двум главным характеристикам иконичного образа (двуединству и антиномичности) — пять дополнительных —литургийность, соборность, синергийность, символичность и каноничность), мы
(cont...) "Иконология и иконичность" Валерий Лепахин
Иконичен и типикон; само слово «типикон» происходит от греческого «tЪpow» — придавать форму, образ, в данном случае — богослужению. Образность, иконичность Типикона, конечно, не замыкается на
/.../ “Iconology” signifies the teaching about the uncreated Image of God, in which God depicts Himself in Essence. The trueness of the Image allows us to be filled with knowledge of God and to approach the Fire of His Essence. We cannot comprehend God’s Essence not because of a prohibition (there are no prohibitions within God’s love), but due to the inherent danger of a created being touching this Fire. However, in the somewhat “more accessible” Prosopon, God icon-paints Himself by the uncreated energies, showing Himself as the Icon of God-Revelation by means of outpourings. His uncreated Icon contains His Forethought and His Oikonomia. This Icon is written by the energies in accordance with the canon of God’s Light, Wisdom, and Love. In the “iconological” Icon, the Being of the Hypostatic Trinity is depicted as the Beauty and Life of the living God. " Vladislav Andrejev ("The four types of icon")